Your Right to Make Health Care Decisions
Information from the Oregon Health Plan Client Handbook about your right to make health care decisions, including the use of advanced directives.
CSU - Client Services Unit
The Client Services Unit (CSU) of the Oregon Health Authority provides information, referral and assistance resolving problems regarding medical coverage, the Oregon Health Plan, and billing problems. The toll-free number is 1-800-273-0557.
Oregon Health Authority Ombudsperson
The OHA Ombuds program advocates for individual Oregon Health Plan member needs.
Medical Debt on OHP?
Do you have medical debt from when you were on the Oregon Health Plan (OHP)? If so, we may be able to help you.
Oregon Health Plan: Citizenship and Identity Verification
U.S. citizens and many non-citizens can get OHP benefits.
Oregon Health Plan - If You are Denied Services or Have a Complaint
Information about what you can do if you are denied eligibility, coverage, or services (including the failure to provide an interpreter when needed) under the Oregon Health Plan (OHP).
Oregon Health Plan - Information
Do you need health care? Do you have a disability and no health insurance? Information about the Oregon Health Plan (OHP).
Assistance for Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries
Find out about programs to help low-income Medicare recipients pay Medicare premiums and other costs.
Immigration Status and Eligibility for Government Help
Many non-U.S. citizens and undocumented immigrants ARE eligible for public assistance! The relationship between immigration status and eligibility for government benefits (such as food stamps, medical coverage, and cash assistance) is complicated. Learn more through this resource.
Oregon Health Plan: Citizenship and Identity Verification
U.S. citizens and many non-citizens can get OHP benefits.
Charity Care - Financial Assistance for Hospital Bills
Charity Care is financial assistance for medical services. If you cannot afford to pay your hospital bill, you may be eligible to have part or all of the bill forgiven as Charity Care.