Challenge to Garnishment Forms
A link to the Oregon Department of Justice page with various garnishment forms, including a Challenge to Garnishment form.
Collection Agencies
Information about what collection agencies can and can't do when collecting a bill. (An excerpt from the Unpaid Consumer Bills booklet.)
Do you have an unpaid traffic ticket or suspended driver license with the Phoenix Municipal Court?
The City of Phoenix, Oregon closed its municipal court several years ago. The City has a new system to help people with old tickets. Please read here for more information and helpful links.
Do you owe court fees and fines? Look here for information about dealing with your court debt
Do you owe courts fees and fines? Is your driver license suspended because you can’t pay? The Oregon Law Center and Legal Aid Services of Oregon have prepared materials to help you seek relief. Here you will find a step-by-step guide to addressing your court debt, including a sample letter to the court, and information on Governor Brown's 2022 remission order.
Fair Debt Collection
Information about federal debt collection laws, with a video explaining them.
Filing a Challenge to Garnishment and Exempt Wages, Money, & Property
Instructions on how to use a Challenge to Garnishment and a list of wages, funds, and property that are exempt from collection in Oregon, as of March 2016.
Oregon Money Management Program
Need help getting fiscally fit? The Oregon Money Management Program of Easter Seals of Oregon can help you with FREE help from a personal Money Coach. Help with banking, budgeting, credit cards, debt management, finding resources, organizing, planning and saving money.
Medical Debt on OHP?
Do you have medical debt from when you were on the Oregon Health Plan (OHP)? If so, we may be able to help you.
Credit Scores
Information about credit scores, how they affect your credit and insurance, and how to improve your credit score.
Debts & Bankruptcy Information
Information from the Oregon State Bar about debts and bankruptcy, including Debtors' Rights, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Foreclosures and How to File for Bankruptcy.
If a Creditor Takes You to Court for Unpaid Bills
An excerpt from the Unpaid Consumer Bills booklet.
Information about when a creditor can take your property for an unpaid bill. (An excerpt from the Unpaid Consumer Bill booklet.)
When You Have Unpaid Consumer Bills
Information about things you can do if you can't pay personal or family debts. (An excerpt from the Unpaid Consumer Bills booklet.)